Clinica de Salud Gratuita

Atención Medica General para adultos sin seguro médico.
Ubicado en el campus de la Iglesia Cristiana Reformada de Goshen (2440 Ruta Estatal 17, Goshen, NY)
Para hacer una cita, llame a (800) 759-1752

Free Health Clinic

Primary care for adults without medical insurance.
Located on the campus of Goshen Christian Reformed Church (2440 State Route 17, Goshen NY)

Call for an Appointment -  (800) 759-17522

Request Entry

Sign up to make appointment (we'll contact you)

Regístrese para concertar una cita (nos pondremos en contacto con usted)

Doctors, nurses and medical staff donate their time to help those in need in the name of Jesus.  

Be Part of the Solution
